Emotion AI in Gaming: Enhancing Player Engagement and Experience
Affective computing also called emotion AI is now disrupting the industries and particularly games to provide captivating new means of player interaction and satisfaction. Due to the identification and monitoring of players’ emotions in near real-time, Emotion AI increases the level of immersion in games …
Future Trends in Emotion AI: What to Expect in the Next Decade
Emotion AI or affective computing, has witnessed lot of progress in the recent past years. This is technology where machines can be able to identify and respond to emotions of the human beings, and this is a technology that has the potential to change different …
Unlocking the Potential of FACS in UX/UI Testing: Emotional Data for Smarter Designs
As the online landscape advances, creating emotionally resonant designs becomes an unavoidable necessity. However, uncovering human emotions and deducing meaningful data from the uncovered human emotions is a very complex process. This is when the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) comes as a savior. FACS …